Thursday, 13 March 2008

Update TOS Google AdSense 25/02/08: Privacy Policy

Dua hari lalu, tepatnya pada tanggal 25 Februari 2008, Google AdSense melakukan perubahan TOS (Terms of Service). Ada dua hal penting dalam perubahan kali ini, yaitu mengenai Privacy Policy dan iklan. Agar masing-masing bisa dibahas secara detil, sengaja bahasan ini saya pecah menjadi dua bagian. Dan seperti sudah tertera jelas di bagian judul, topik gunjingan pertama kita adalah mengenai Privacy Policy.

Perhatikan cuplikan TOS Google AdSense yang baru berikut ini:

We’ve also added some specific requirements that make it necessary for publishers to post and abide by a transparent privacy policy that users see. According to this policy, publishers must notify their users of the use of cookies and/or web beacons to collect data in the ad serving process. This change relates to advertisers’ use of innovative products and features like Gadget Ads and other offerings in the future.

Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal di atas, Google kini mewajibkan publisher AdSense untuk memberitahukan kepada pengunjung akan adanya aktivitas cookies (milik Google AdSense) yang bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang berkaitan dengan layanan iklan Google AdSense. Sedang pada kalimat sebelumnya, dijelaskan bahwa pemberitahuan tersebut harus diletakkan pada bagian Privacy Policy yang transparan. Transparan di sini dapat diartikan bahwa halaman Privacy Policy yang kita miliki tidak tersembunyi dan dapat diakses oleh semua pengunjung dengan mudah.

Well, saya rasa perubahan TOS ini terkait dengan perkiraan algoritma kunci SEO Google di tahun 2008, yaitu tentang Informasi Kontak. Meskipun tidak berhubungan langsung dengan info atau identitas kita, isi Privacy Policy kan sebenarnya menjelaskan bagaimana kita (atau situs kita) menanggapi atau berinteraksi dengan pengunjung. Mirip-mirip lah dengan info kontak, hehehe. Bagaimana menurut teman-teman yang lain?

Yang jelas, tidak ada salahnya kok memajang halaman Privacy Policy. Malah sebenarnya ini bisa meningkatkan kredibilitas situs kita di mata pengunjung.

Yang mungkin jadi masalah, bagaimana cara bikinnya? Apa saja yang harus ditulis? Tenang pren, gak perlu bingung. Kan tinggal nyontek Privacy Policy kepunyaan situs lain, hehehe. Praktekkan ilmu ATM lah.

Masih males juga? Kopas saja template Privacy Policy di bawah ini (hasil colongan dari Engadget). Jangan lupa untuk mengganti kata NamaSitusAnda dan NamaDomainAnda dengan nama situs dan alamat domain Anda sebelum dipublikasikan.

NamaSitusAnda Privacy Statement

What follows is the Privacy Statement for all NamaSitusAnda websites (a.k.a. blogs) including all the websites run under the NamaDomainAnda domain.

Please read this statement regarding our blogs. If you have questions please ask us via our contact form.

Email Addresses

You may choose to add your email address to our contact list via the forms on our websites. We agree that we will never share you email with any third party and that we will remove your email at your request. We don’t currently send advertising via email, but in the future our email may contain advertisements and we may send dedicated email messages from our advertisers without revealing your email addresses to them. If you have any problem removing your email address please contact us via our contact form.

Ownership of Information

NamaSitusAnda is the sole owner of any information collected on our websites.

Comments/Message Boards

Most NamaSitusAnda websites contain comment sections (a.k.a. message boards). We do not actively monitor these comments and the information on them is for entertainment purposes only. If we are alerted to something we deem inappropriate in any way, we may delete it at our discretion. We use email validation on most of our message boards in order to reduce “comment spam.” These email addresses will not be shared with any third party.


Currently we assign cookies to our readers in order to save their preferences. This data is not shared with any third party. Accessing our websites is not dependent on accepting cookies and all major browsers allow you to disable cookies if you wish.

Third Party Cookies

Many of our advertisers use cookies in order to determine the number of times you have seen an advertisement. This is done to limit the number times you are shown the same advertisement. NamaSitusAnda does not have access to this data.

Traffic Reports

Our industry-standard traffic reporting records IP addresses, Internet service provider information, referrer strings, browser types and the date and time pages are loaded. We use this information in the aggregate only to provide traffic statistics to advertisers and to figure out which features and editorials are most popular.

Legal proceedings

We will make every effort to preserve user privacy but NamaSitusAnda may need to disclose information when required by law.

Business Transitions

If NamaSitusAnda is acquired by or merges with another firm, the assets of our websites, including personal information, will likely be transferred to the new firm.


NamaSitusAnda websites frequently link to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or business practices of these websites. When you leave our websites we encourage you to read the destination site’s privacy policy. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by NamaSitusAnda

Notification of Changes

When NamaSitusAnda makes changes to this privacy policy we will post those changes here.

Contact Information

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