Saturday, 15 March 2008

Lowongan untuk tenik mesin


    A fast growing Japanese Semiconductor Company located in Bintan Industrial Estate, looking for talented and challenging the young person, energetic and willing to be place in Bintan Island, to fill the position as follow: STAFF FOR MANUFACTURING Qualification : Male Age: 23 – 28 years old S1 Industrial

  1. Supervisor Jobs Vacancies at PT Shinsei Denshi Indonesia

    Supervisor Jobs Vacancies at PT Shinsei Denshi Indonesia Posted on 3-Mar-2008 | Filed Under Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering PT Shinsei Denshi Indonesia is Japanese Manufacturing Company which produces PCB, Stamping & Injection Molding Parts for Electronics and Automotives appliances.

  1. Videos about mechanical engineering
    1. Mechanical Engineering Kinematics Project
    2. Kettering University - Mechanical Engineering
    3. Video Game in Mechanical Engineering Education

  2. ENGINEER Job Vacancy at PT.IKPT - Online Apply, Fresh Gradaute

    It started in the end of the 70’s, when a group of young engineers was discussing about engineering and construction in Indonesian. Based on the fact that the down stream and upstream projects that were in Indonesia were constructed by foreign companies.

  3. Scholarship and Job Vacancies at PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

    Scholarship and Job Vacancies at PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia Posted on 2-Mar-2008 | Filed Under Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Law, Accounting, PSYCHOLOGY, Medical, Environmental Engineering PT Thiess Contractors

  4. Various Jobs Vacancies at PT.ANTAM Tbk

    PT Antam Tbk, an internationally-listed, leading Indonesian diversified mining and metals company, invites highly-motivated and qualified individuals to join: A. Antam’s Project of Nickel Energy and Development (NEDP) as a contractual employee: 1. Code: Senior/Junior Exploration Mining Engineer (S1 Exploration Mining Engineering).

  5. Various Jobs Vacancies at PT ELNUSA, Tbk

    PT ELNUSA, Tbk is a public fisted Oil & Gas Services Company with 39 years of experiences serving the Oil & Gas Industry (see: looking for highly motivated person for the position of: 1. MARKETING MANAGER (Code: MM) 2. LEGAL CONTRACT MANAGER (Code: LCM) 3. WELL TESTING BARGE CHIEF OPERATOR (Code: WBCO) 4.


    As a subsidiary of Faber-Castell Group, Faber-Castell Indonesia obtains the technical and the know-how from Faber-Castell AG, Germany. Faber-Castell Indonesia always cares and attempts to fulfill customers’ satisfaction and requirements as the company’s vision to be the best in writing instrument business.


    JOB OPPORTUNITIES at PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA Posted on 28-Feb-2008 | Filed Under Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA Specializes in the supply, management and development of workforces for the Indonesian mining, energy, and infrastructure development sectors.

  8. Engineering Jobs Vacancies at ConocoPhillips

    Employment Opportunities at Conocophillips We have a job opening for immediate employment. ROTATING EQUIPMENT ENGINEER Basic Purpose: To ensure that the assigned Rotating Equipment modification or projects works are executed in an expedient, cost effective, safe manner and in compliance with the Company Engineering Standards and International Codes.

  9. Various Jobs Vacancies at Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PERSERO)

    Various Jobs Vacancies at Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PERSERO) Posted on 26-Feb-2008 | Filed Under Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Physical engineering, Geology, Fresh Graduate for more information about vacancies at PT.PLN see more

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